
Friday, May 15, 2009

New Improvements to Google Results Pages

Google has come up with some very useful improvements to Google search that are as follows:
1. An expanded list of useful related searches and
2. Addition of longer search result descriptions
New & Improved Search Refinements

We have come up with a new technology that can understand associations and concepts more related to your search, and one of its first applications lets us offer you even more useful related searches (the terms found at the bottom, and sometimes at the top, of the search results page).
For example, if you search for a phrase like [principles of physics], our algorithms understands that “angular momentum,” “special relativity,” “big bang” and “quantum mechanic” are related terms that could help you find what you need.

Look at the following examples in other languages. In Russian, if you put the query [гадание на картах] (fortune-telling with cards), the algorithms find the related terms “таро” (tarot), “ленорман” (lenormand) and “тибетское гадание мо” (tibetan divination mo). In Italian, if search is for [surf alle canarie] (surf at the canary islands), we now offer suggestions based on the three most famous Canary Islands: “lanzarote,” “gran canaria,” and “fuerteventura”:

With the advent of this technology we are now able to target more queries, more languages, and make our suggestions more relevant to what you actually need to know. Additionally, we are offering refinements for longer & detailed queries, something that is usually a challenging task and certainly will help you find out what you are searching for. You would be able to see our new related searches starting today in 37 languages all around the world.

Longer, Detailed & Well Exaggerated Snippets

When you search for some thing on Google, each result shown starts with a dark blue title and is followed by a few lines of plain text (what we call a “snippet”), which together gives you an idea of what each page is about. To give more context, the snippet shows how the words of the query you typed appear on the page by highlighting them in bold.
When you enter a longer tailed query, with more than three words, regular-length snippets may not give you enough information and context. Now with the advent of this new technology we have overcome the limitation, that means if you put a long tailed query with more than three words the snippet in that case will be very much exaggerated & detailed enough in order to make you understand what the result that has appeared on SERP (Search Engine Result Page) is about.


Suppose you were looking for information related to Earth’s rotation around the sun, and specifically wanted to know about its tilt and distance from the sun. So type all of that into Google: [earth's rotation axis tilt and distance from sun]. A general length snippet will not be able to show you the context for all of those words, but with longer snippets you can be sure that the first result covers all those topics. In addition, an extra line of snippets for the third result shows the word “sun” in context, suggesting that the page doesn’t talk about Earth’s distance from the sun:

But don’t just take our word for it — try it out yourself to believe it with your favorite long, detailed query.

These are two recent examples of improvements Google made. They are certainly looking for ways to get us to the web page we want. Even if you do not find all of the changes, rest assured The Google experts are trying hard at work making sure you have the highest quality search experience possible. That is what our FAITH is in Google.